Plancraft Blog

Cold Calling Tips to Boost Your Sales Close Rate

Written by Ben Coleman | September 7, 2023 4:49:00 PM Z

In the realm of lead generation for financial advisors, cold calling remains an indispensable technique. While it might seem like an old-school approach in today's digital age, its potency cannot be underestimated. 

Many advisors often approach calling prospects with trepidation, wary of rejection or the challenge of securing interest. Yet, with the right tips for cold calling, transforming these phone interactions into profitable engagements becomes significantly more attainable. As you navigate the intricacies of reaching out to prospective clients, it's essential to arm yourself with strategies that elevate your success rate. 

This article aims to shed light on these methods, ensuring your cold calls are not just shots in the dark but targeted efforts that bring results.

The Importance of Preparation

One of the best cold calling tips often overlooked is the critical nature of preparation. Going into a call without the necessary groundwork is like setting sail without a map; you'll quickly find yourself adrift in an ocean of uncertainty. The groundwork for leads for financial advisors begins with two primary elements: a strong script and comprehensive information about the prospect.

A well-structured and practiced script is your anchor. It ensures you're conveying the right message, addressing potential client concerns, and efficiently navigating the flow of the conversation. While scripts should serve as a guideline rather than a rigid dialogue, practicing it can bolster your confidence and enable you to adapt it spontaneously based on the conversation's direction. A successful cold call often hinges on your ability to sound genuine while staying on message.

Moreover, understanding your prospect beforehand can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your outreach. By gathering data and insights about potential clients, you can tailor your approach, ensuring your pitch aligns with their needs and interests. This personalized touch can make the difference between closed deals and missed opportunities

Personalize the Conversation

Cold calling is more than just a numbers game. At its heart, it's about connecting with people and understanding their unique financial needs. To stand out and genuinely engage with potential clients, personalizing your conversation is crucial. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Know Their Life Stage: Are they newlyweds thinking of buying a home? Or parents planning for their kids' college education? Tailoring your financial advice to their specific life stage can make your guidance more relevant and appealing.
  • Use Relatable Stories: People love stories. Share a brief account of how you assisted another client with a similar background or concern. It not only establishes your expertise but also makes you more relatable.
  • Ask About Their Goals: Instead of diving straight into your pitch, start by asking what they're hoping to achieve financially. This not only shows you care about their aspirations but also allows you to align your financial services with their goals.
  • Adjust Your Marketing Strategy: Personalizing doesn’t stop with the call. If a prospect seems more comfortable with email marketing or would like you to keep in touch via social media, be flexible in your approach. Catering to their preferences can make a big difference.

In essence, treating every cold call as an opportunity to connect, understand, and cater to an individual’s needs can transform the way you generate financial advisor leads. Remember, people are more inclined to work with someone who takes the time to understand and cater to their unique situations.

Active Listening

Active listening is more than just a buzzword in the sales realm; it's a game-changer that can dramatically impact the average close rate for sales. The process of truly hearing, understanding, and responding to what the other person is saying can significantly improve a financial professional's close ratio.

Often, sales calls can become a monologue where the advisor is eager to get through their points, overlooking the cues and feedback being offered by the potential customer. This oversight can lead to missed opportunities to address concerns, questions, or clarifications the client might have. By genuinely listening, you can tailor your responses to fit the client's unique situation, thereby enhancing the relevance and appeal of your pitch.

Furthermore, when potential clients feel heard, they're more likely to trust and engage with financial professionals. It shifts the dynamic of the call from a simple transaction to a collaborative conversation. Active listening provides a window into the prospective client's mindset, priorities, and reservations, enabling the advisor to offer solutions that truly resonate.

Remember, a conversation is a two-way street. The more you invest in understanding your potential customer through active listening, the higher the likelihood of transforming that lead into a loyal client.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Using open-ended questions is a top trick in financial advisor prospecting. Instead of just getting a simple 'yes' or 'no', these questions help you really understand what someone is thinking.

Let’s say you're talking to a new person. Instead of just asking, "Do you want our financial services?", you might say, "What do you find tricky about money planning?". This type of question gets them talking and shows you care about their needs.

In the best sales training for financial advisors, they always say to use open-ended questions. They help you learn a lot about what someone wants or worries about. This way, you can make sure your product or service is a great fit for them.

When you use open-ended questions, you're not just collecting facts. You’re building a connection. And that’s a smart move for anyone in financial advising.

Here’s a quick list of some sample questions you should consider using when speaking with prospective customers for the first time on the phone: 

  1. What are your main financial goals for the next 5-10 years?
  2. Can you describe any financial challenges or concerns you're currently facing?
  3. What's important to you when choosing someone to help with your finances?
  4. Have you worked with a financial advisor before? If so, what did you like or dislike about the experience?
  5. How do you envision your retirement, and what steps have you taken towards it?
  6. What does a successful financial future look like to you?
  7. Are there specific financial products or services you've been curious about?
  8. How do you currently make decisions about your finances and investments?
  9. Is there a financial milestone you're hoping to achieve soon?
  10. How do you feel about your current investment strategy and its alignment with your long-term objectives?

Turbocharge Your Calling

Prospecting is an art, and mastering it is essential for every financial advisor's success. While the tips above can provide a strong foundation for enhancing your cold calling techniques, integrating specialized tools can catapult your efforts to new heights. This is where Planswell comes into the picture.

Planswell is more than just another lead gen service. (In fact, we never use that phrase to describe what we do.) We offer a comprehensive prospecting and sales support system that streamlines financial advisor lead generation and business practices, ensuring that every call you make has a higher chance of converting. 

Our dedicated support and proven prospecting services are specifically tailored for advisors like you, designed to ensure you book more calls and close more deals. We’re so confident in our ability to do so much more than simply generate leads, we guarantee our work.

As the world of financial advising becomes more competitive, it’s essential to have a trusted ally in your corner. Consider giving Planswell a try and watch as your prospecting game reaches levels you previously thought unattainable. 

Remember, it's not just about making the call; it's about making every call count.