Plancraft Blog

How do Planswell Households Differ from Other Prospects?

Written by Kristina Smith | May 16, 2024 4:07:00 PM Z



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With Planswell's streamlined approach, advisors can cut through the traditional lead-generation grind and build stronger, more impactful relationships with clients, faster.

 So, what makes these Planswell households stand out? Let’s dive right into it:

Already Interested

First off, Planswell households are already a few steps ahead. These households have shown interest in retirement planning and have taken proactive steps to get started. This means you don’t have to spend time convincing these households why a financial plan is needed. Planswell prospects understand its importance and are looking for guidance to secure their financial future. This is a huge time-saver compared to traditional prospecting where you often have to start from scratch, explaining the basics and building the case for financial planning.

Initial Hurdles? Already Crossed

In traditional prospecting, you often need to educate potential clients about financial planning—what it is, why it's needed, and how it works. Planswell households have already crossed these initial hurdles. There's recognition of the value of having a plan and a tailored plan has even been received to suit specific needs. This pre-existing awareness means you can skip the basic education phase and dive straight into more specific discussions about goals and how you can help achieve those.

Trust and Commitment

These households have also shown a certain level of commitment by providing phone numbers for SMS validation and inputting email addresses. This indicates seriousness about financial futures and a willingness to engage. It’s a good sign that these households are ready to build a relationship with you. This is a big deal because it means less effort on your part to build that initial trust.

Specific Needs, But You’re Still a Stranger

However, don’t forget that you're still a stranger to these households when first reaching out. It’s not the same as a warm referral or an introduction through a mutual contact. Even though steps have been taken towards financial planning, exact needs might not be clear. So, your job is to establish trust and identify specific needs. These households have a need—they just might not be able to articulate it right away.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, Planswell households are different because they’re already on board with the idea of financial planning and have taken initial steps towards it. There's commitment and trust in the process. As an advisor, this allows you to focus on addressing specific needs and building a trusting relationship. Understanding these differences can help you tailor your approach and better serve Planswell households, ultimately helping them achieve their financial goals.

So, go ahead and leverage these insights to make the most out of your interactions with Planswell households!