Plancraft Blog

How To Get and Keep More Meetings With Prospects

Written by Kristina Smith | July 2, 2024 3:10:07 PM Z

Creating and maintaining successful meetings with prospects is a vital skill that can significantly boost your business's growth. This comprehensive guide delves into effective strategies for scheduling and retaining meetings with potential clients, leveraging insights from industry best practices.

Preparation is Key

Initial Contact and Rapport Building: The initial interaction sets the stage for future engagement. Begin by actively listening to understand their financial aspirations and current challenges. This dialogue should gather essential information that helps tailor the meeting to address specific financial goals. Conclude this interaction positively, leaving them assured of your genuine interest in their financial health.

Setting the Meeting: When proposing a meeting, offer two distinct times. This choice methodically simplifies decision-making for the prospect and increases the odds of confirming a slot. Make sure the times are convenient for them, underscoring the importance of the meeting for their financial future.

Enhancing Engagement Before the Meeting

Pre-Meeting Engagement: Follow up your booking with a confirmation email, summarizing what will be discussed. This communication should exude enthusiasm about the partnership potential, setting a cooperative tone for the upcoming meeting.

Providing Value Before the Meeting: A few days before the meeting, send an article or resource relevant to their financial situation. This gesture not only showcases your proactive approach but also solidifies your role as an informed advisor.

Reminder and Confirmation: The day before the meeting, send a reminder reconfirming the details. Phrase this as a statement rather than a question to convey confidence and reduce the likelihood of last-minute cancellations.

During the Meeting

Customized Approach: Begin by revisiting their stated financial goals and concerns to reaffirm that the meeting will address their specific needs. This reassures them that your focus is rightly placed on their priorities.

Clear Meeting Agenda: Outline a clear agenda at the start of the meeting. Discuss each agenda item briefly, explaining its relevance to their financial objectives. This organization keeps the meeting directed and efficient.

Maintain Engagement: Keep the conversation interactive. Pose open-ended questions that prompt them to think deeply about their financial strategies and voice any concerns. This level of engagement is critical for building trust and understanding.

Effective Post-Meeting Follow-up

Immediate Follow-up: Send a thank-you email promptly after the meeting that summarizes the discussion points and any agreed-upon next steps. This follow-up is crucial for professionalism and keeps the dialogue fresh in their minds.

Regular Check-ins: Establish a follow-up cadence that suits their preferred communication style. Regular updates help sustain the relationship and ensure you remain informed about any changes in their financial situation.

Continuous Value Addition: Continuously provide relevant information, such as updates on market trends or innovative financial planning techniques. This strategy helps maintain your relevance and positions you as a valuable, ongoing resource.


The ability to effectively schedule and retain meetings with prospects involves meticulous preparation, personalized engagement, and consistent follow-up. These strategies not only improve conversion rates but also foster stronger client relationships and assist your clients in achieving their financial goals. Adopting these proactive and thoughtful approaches will distinguish you as a trusted advisor, crucial for long-term success in the financial advisory field.

By expanding on these foundational strategies, you can develop a robust framework that supports not only client acquisition but also client retention, ensuring your advisory practice thrives in an increasingly competitive landscape.