Plancraft Blog

Top 10 Calling Strategies to Explode Your Results

Written by Kristina Smith | June 11, 2024 2:16:46 PM Z



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Making effective calls is a crucial skill for financial advisors. A well-executed call can be the difference between gaining a new client and losing an opportunity. Here are the top 10 calling strategies to help you explode your results and build stronger client relationships.

1. Know Before You Go

Before making a call, gather as much information as possible about your prospect. This includes their financial situation, interests, and any recent life events. Use social media platforms and other online resources to learn about them. This preparation allows you to tailor your conversation to their specific circumstances, making your approach more personal and effective.

2. Proposition Precision

Craft a clear and concise value proposition that highlights the benefits of your services. Focus on the outcomes that will resonate with your prospects. Differentiating yourself from other advisors is essential. Ask your existing clients why they chose you to better understand and communicate your unique value.

3. Ditch the Pitch

Avoid sounding salesy. Instead, come across as confident and curious. Rehearse your script, but be prepared to ask exploratory questions and handle objections smoothly. Your goal is to have a genuine conversation that uncovers your prospect’s needs and pain points.

4. Anchor to the Objective

Having clear objectives helps guide the conversation towards a desired outcome. Your primary goal should be to uncover what your prospects need and want so you can determine how you can help them. Focus on having meaningful conversations rather than just booking meetings.

5. Dial and Style

Make your calls from a distraction-free environment where you can focus entirely on the prospect. Arrange your workspace with everything you need and block out specific times for prospecting calls in your calendar. Treat these times as sacred to ensure you consistently make the calls.

6. Listen to Understand

Instead of listening to respond, listen to understand. Give your full attention to what the prospect is saying and absorb the information. This approach helps you connect on a deeper level and address their concerns more effectively.

7. Ask Permission

Ask your prospects if you can record the call or meeting. This allows you to review the conversation later and catch things you might have missed. It also helps you improve your approach for future calls.

8. Use Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions encourage prospects to share more about their situation and needs. Questions like “Tell me more about that” or “What were you looking to find out?” help you gather valuable information and build rapport.

9. Practice Empathy

Show genuine empathy towards your prospects’ concerns and challenges. This helps build trust and makes them feel understood. Empathy is a powerful tool for establishing strong, lasting relationships.

10. Follow Up Consistently

Consistent follow-up is key to converting prospects into clients. After your initial call, follow up with an email summarizing the conversation and next steps. Schedule regular check-ins to maintain the relationship and address any new concerns they might have.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your calling effectiveness, build stronger client relationships, and ultimately, explode your results.

 Watch the full episode here