Planswell Households

Talk to more prospective clients in your area.

Get at least 10 exclusive opportunities a month.

why planswell

How we measure up

  Others Planswell
Guaranteed monthly number of prospective clients 10+
Marketing automation
Unique referral link
Call scripts
Weekly training & support
Cancel anytime
the value

Why You'll Love Planswell

We've heard it time and again from our partners: "Planswell is definitely up there with the best of the best."

Review case studies >>>

Prospecting Made Easy

Few financial advisors are marketing experts. The good news—we are and we're in your corner. 

Consumers in your state

1. You decide how many you can handle

You opt in to receive 10, 25, or 50 exclusive households in your state or province per month. Don't worry—you can adjust your needs from month to month.

Consumer discovery

2. We go find them

We get to work marketing for you, fulfilling your order throughout the month. Our digital marketing funnel and planning engine work together to find, attract, and qualify prospects.

You connect

3. We build them a financial plan

We're not done! Prospective clients must answer 40 discovery questions and SMS-validate their phone numbers. They'll receive a free financial plan from us which will instantly appear in your CRM.

Your Households

What the Average Qualified Prospect Looks Like

  • 425K in investable assets
  • 200K annual income
  • Aged 30 - 60
  • Located in your state/province
  • Discovery complete & financial plan in hand
Qualified Users
What you get

Your opportunities, guaranteed

  • Exclusive to you
  • Located within your state or province
  • SMS-validated phone number
  • Instant access to their financial plan
  • 10, 25, or 50 per month —you decide
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