Andrei: I Love Planswell

Andrei: I love planswell

Andrei has tried his fair share of lead generation—they've all let him down. 

(Watch Time—1:05)

Until he tried Planswell, of course. Now, he's got over $10 million in his pipeline thanks to Planswell households. 

Where other companies' leads never panned out, Planswell households have made him busier than he can handle. 

At this point, 60% of his book is from Planswell, and he just closed a 7 figure client on our platform. 

He sums his position up rather concisely: "I love planswell. The leads that I'm getting are by far the best, and as a result I'm getting the best clients I've ever had in my career."

Andrei's advice for new advisors: 

Try Planswell. 

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