Gold and Platinum Plan Benefits



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 Let’s talk about the benefits of Gold and Platinum Plans. If you’re looking to elevate your game and maximize your success, understanding these plans is crucial. So, let’s dive right into it:

Abundance and More Opportunities

When it comes to financial advising, abundance is key. The higher-tiered packages, like Gold and Platinum, offer more opportunities and are more conducive to success. These plans expedite your learning curve and overall development because they provide a nuanced approach that’s likely different from what you’ve done before. The more at-bats you get, the quicker you'll develop your skills and strategies.

Healthy Pipeline for Success

Starting with a robust pipeline is essential, especially in sales. A healthy pipeline puts you in a place of abundance rather than desperation, and nothing is more off-putting to clients than desperation. Gold and Platinum Plans ensure you have a steady flow of prospects, helping you maintain a healthy pipeline. This is particularly important at the beginning or during peak times of the year, like the new year.

Guaranteed Households

With the Gold Plan, you get 25 households guaranteed within your billing cycle. The Platinum Plan doubles that, providing 50 households. Some advisors even combine plans for more significant benefits, such as Platinum plus Gold, double Platinum, or even quadruple Platinum. It's really up to your appetite for growth and your ability to stay organized and manage these new opportunities.

Volume and Commitment

One common practice is starting with a smaller number of leads, but the key to success lies in volume and commitment. One of my mentors once asked, "Are you interested, or are you committed?" Having a higher volume of leads to work through is crucial. For example, working with 125 leads a month, averaging about four a day, allows for deep focus and effective engagement. While you might not start with that amount, aiming for 25 or 50 leads can set a strong foundation. Over time, this volume will stack, and you'll see substantial growth.

Long-term Commitment

To truly value and benefit from these households, a minimum commitment of 90 days (three months) is recommended. This time frame allows you to develop a consistent workflow, track progress, and adjust strategies as needed. It’s about creating a rhythm that keeps your pipeline full and your prospects engaged.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the Gold and Platinum Plans are designed to provide abundance, expedite your learning curve, and ensure a healthy, robust pipeline. These plans help you avoid desperation, stay organized, and maximize your success. By committing to a higher volume of leads and maintaining a structured workflow, you can significantly enhance your financial advising practice.

So, are you interested or committed? Choose the plan that suits your goals and get ready to elevate your success to new heights! 

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